Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Face your past as it was, the present for what it is, & the future as it will be.......

What a powerful statement. That's really the only way we can live & be happy. Everyone, at some point has to face their past. The good, bad & the ugly. One of the hardest things I ever had to do was face my past. When I really sat down & did it, I found out that I really had a screwed up way of thinking. Well, not so much screwed up as just not understanding why I did the things I did or felt the way I did. I figured out I was blaming myself for stuff that happened when I was 10 years old. In order to understand this you really have to understand my history. I've never done this but, here it goes:

My mother was brutally murdered when I was an infant. Now, I was a baby so this really didn't affect me like you might think. Except that circumstances left me in a real bad spot. I was raised by my grandparents for the first 10 years of my life. You might think this was great that these people were there to take care of me but this only leads to more tragedy. My grandfather was a terrible alcoholic, which I believe was probably caused alot by grief over my mother's death, but that's still no excuse. But things weren't brought to light like they are these days. Not alot of people knew what to do with people like him, just take him to jail & let him sleep it off. My grandmother of course, was miserable with him & took pills to deal with her grief & misery. You didn't talk about things or seek rehab. You just lived it. Everyday.........Until you couldn't live it anymore, so my grandmother took me & left. That very well could've been a happy ending but instead it turned into a terrible tragedy that would forever change my life.

I remember the day very clear, we were going to my aunt's house in hopes that my grandfather wouldn't find us. So, my two aunts & my little 2 year old cousin were taking me & my grandmother there so the car wouldn't be there & he couldn't find us. My aunt Terri was very reluctant to take us there, she begged my grandmother not to go by the house first to pick up some clothes & things. We knew if he caught us there it would be trouble. But, my grandmother insisted. So, we pulled up & his truck was no where in sight so we all breathed a sigh of relief. The door was padlocked from the outside so seemingly no one was inside. We went in, me, my grandmother & little cousin. It wasn't long until we realized he was there waiting for us. My two aunts were outside getting some things from the shed.

It didn't take long, the whole incident was only a few minutes but it seemed like an eternity. He told me to take my cousin outside as he was walking over to my grandmother, I was only 10, so I didn't know what he was gonna do. I tried to get the baby before I heard the shots ring out. He shot her 5 times at point blank range, & then everything just fast forwards. My aunt running in, fighting over the gun with him, & in the struggle another shot rings out. Luckily it was him who got shot that time. Then, he just went over to the couch & laid down while we got my grandmother in the car & left for the hospital. He could've killed us all but he didn't. I can still hear her breathing, kind of like a gurgle, in the backseat while one aunt drove, the other held her head in her lap. When we got to the hospital, they just pulled her out on the ground & took me & my cousin inside. Then everything is just a blur until I get to yet another aunt's house later that day & find out after we left, my grandfather shot himself. And so, they were both gone.

I was 10 & for 15 years I blamed myself in the back of my mind that I should've done something more. Silly, huh? I didn't realize that at 10, I didn't know anything else to do. I couldn't, I was a little girl. Of course, that isn't the end of the story by any means! I never got any counseling because again, you just didn't do that back then, so by 25, I was a mother of 2 & just about to go over the deep end. I had become addicted to pain pills & just didn't have a clue what to do with myself. I was in legal trouble from writing my own prescriptions & just a mess. So, I almost lost my family, yet again, except I went into treatment & it was a wonderful place. I was there for 30 days & they truly changed my life. They taught me it wasn't my fault, I needed to forgive myself for my grandparents, for the way I had treated my two sweet little girls, & just for the mess I had become. But I had to forgive myself & let it go.

My life changed drastically because I faced my past as it was, I live my life in the present for what is is, & I look to future for what it will be. I hope this helps someone in some way. There is life after addiction & tragedy. It's been over 32 years since that day my little life changed, & I like to think everything I went through made me who I am today, which in my eyes, is a person who still makes mistakes, but is a person me & my children can be proud of.

Biz Sux-S - Helping Small Business Owners Create Real Business Success Thru Coaching: Face Your Past As It Was, Your Present As It Is, And Your Future As It Will Be

This is sooo Great, please please please read this!!! It is wonderful!

Biz Sux-S - Helping Small Business Owners Create Real Business Success Thru Coaching: Face Your Past As It Was, Your Present As It Is, And Your Future As It Will Be

Saturday, May 2, 2009

How to Stay Healthy During the Influenza A (H1N1) Pandemic
By Richard Ferri, eHow Expert in Primary Care/Men's Health

The recent outbreak of swine-origin influenza virus A (also termed H1N1), or more commonly as "swine flu," has many people concerned about their health. These concerns are justified but need to be placed into a perceptive to avoid a social panic that will not benefit anyone. Swine flu is a respiratory disease found in pigs caused by type A flu virus. It is contagious the same way any other known influenza virus is transmitted which includes person to person contact via coughing and sneezing. Swine flu cannot be transmitted by eating or handling pork, and properly cooked pork is safe to be consumed. Also, as with any influenza outbreak people with underlying medical conditions such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, poorly controlled diabetes and similar clinical conditions are likely more susceptible to acquiring swine flu if they come into contact with the virus. It is essential to remember that for anyone, regardless of their health status, the only way to get swine flu is that the individual has to come into contact with a person actively infected with a confirmed case of H1N1. This article is going to help you understand how to prevent swine flu, review the symptoms of infection, examine prevention and treatment interventions that are effective and available.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Ok, so you all know my family is my passion! Well, my baby girl just told me I'm gonna be a grandmother for the first time! I just can't tell you how elated we all are. She's my baby & I knew she would eventually start a family but I just can't tell you the feeling when you actually hear it. And see it. Of course, I'm thrilled at the the thought of being a grandmother, but it also comes with apprehension about her being ok. Will they have enough money? Will they be good parents? Are they ready? But you know, if you wait until you're financially ready, that day will never come.

As far as being good parents, I can't think of two better people to have a child together. They truly love each other unconditionally, they are passionate about each other & making themselves a little family. So, the fact that they've only been married for 7 months doesn't matter, I know in my heart they will be fine. And a GRANDBABY! ALL mine! I just can't wait to see that little face... Godspeed, babydoll, Nana wants to meet you soooo bad!
I'm feeling such a sense of completeness, It's like my life has come full circle. Now, I'm entering a whole new phase of it & I just know it's going to be so exciting! I'm glad I have good friends to share it with. Please, let me know you're thoughts......

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Do You Have A Passion?

My own passion is my family. I agree, I also eat, breathe, live & sleep thinking about them and it is at a cost of other things in my life.

My passion is for them to have a better life than me. To not struggle for things, to not worry from paycheck to paycheck when they are my age if the bills will get paid. To not depend on anyone else but themselves for their financial & emotional stability in life. Both of my girls are so beautiful & smart, either of them could do anything. And when I say things like this to them, I get, "Oh Mom, you just worry for nothing". One is 22, & just divorced, the other is 19 & just married. You tell me if I worry for nothing! I can't really say anything about marrying young because I did, but I knew I loved my husband & was willing to give up my plans for my future to have a different future that included him & my children in it.

My oldest daughter, I knew the day she walked down the aisle, it was a mistake. My youngest, I think is just exactly like me & she & her husband will have a long life together, but it won't be easy. Both are young, uneducated, & just have very low paying jobs. And I know part of being married to someone is building a life together, even if it is from the bottom of the barrel. So, who am I to tell her she's wrong, if this is what makes her happy. And she is so very happy. Maybe that makes your marriage stronger & builds your character to go through those struggling years together. One thing about it, you'll either make it & be together forever, or you won't make it & it won't take long to find out. So, I would have to say my youngest daugher is also passionate about family. Having one, creating one & loving them.

Now, my oldest daughter on the other hand, simply has no direction at all. I wonder when she turned so cold & bitter. I noticed a difference in her when her grandfather died several years ago & since then, I really don't think she's cared about much else. It's miserable to see such a beautiful person in so much pain & have so much anger. We've tried to get her to go get help with depression if that's the problem but she refuses. I really feel like she needs medication, but you can't force someone to seek out help if they don't feel they need it. So, I would love to know what she is passionate about. I keep telling myself to pray for her & she will find her way. I sure hope so!

Anyway, so, back to this passion subject. My passion is my family for sure. Their well being, happiness, & security. Part of that means assisting with financial stability by being successful myself. I am determined to make this online business work for that very reason. So, when I die, I think people will say just that about me. I was always dedicated to them first and I feel that's something to be extremely proud of. I want to be able to say, my biggest accomplishment in life was making a better life for my kids & grandkids in some small way.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Biz Sux-S - Helping Small Business Owners Create Real Business Success Thru Coaching: Being Great In Life Is About Pursuing Your Passion

Please take a moment & read this! Absolutely awesome!

Biz Sux-S - Helping Small Business Owners Create Real Business Success Thru Coaching: Being Great In Life Is About Pursuing Your Passion

My Friday My Way!

It is always easier to believe than to deny. Our minds are naturally affirmative.
- John Burroughs

I think that one possible definition of our modern culture is that it is one in which nine-tenths of our intellectuals can't read any poetry.
- Randall Jarrell

The pursuit of happiness is a most ridiculous phrase; if you pursue happiness you'll never find it. - C. P. Snow



Thursday, April 23, 2009

My Thursday My Way

I guess this will be the new thing. My "day of the week" My Way! Sounds good to me! My Thursday has pretty much started out like every other Thursday except for finding my stray dogs the home they ran away from. I had two dogs come up in my yard on Saturday, after checking with all of my immediate neighbors to no avail, I had pretty much excepted the fact that at least one of them had found a new home at my house. He was a good dog, very sweet, had been neutered, seemed well taken care of, housebroken, everything. So, why was he here? Where on earth did he come from? I couldn't imagine someone taking such good care of an animal & just dumping him out because he was such a well behaved pet. Then, my two year old I keep was sick & she was crying so I went to lay down with her, he jumps in the bed with us & lays his head on her stomach as if to console her. So, I had to do something. I just knew someone, somewhere was missing this sweet animal. I called my local vet & to my surprise, a person had been in that very morning saying he was missing two dogs that fit the description of these two runaways. So, she had the man call me.

He lived about 3 miles from me, & he had taken in the dogs from a friend of his that had just lost her home & could no longer care for them. After hearing the story, I was heartbroken. This lady apparently was having trouble with her husband & just had to like leave in the middle of the night. She loved the dogs dearly & didn't want anything to happen to them so she asked this man & his wife to take care of them for her. He said he kept the dogs up for 4 days & let them out, & they hit the road! I guess to find her maybe. But anyway, they ended up finding us. Now, I have no clue why this happened & what will come of it but I would just hope that if for some reason, my dogs ever got lost, someone would do the same for me. I'm not even sure what breed of dog they were, but they certainly brought us joy for a couple of days anyway & we hope we did them as well. Alls well that ends well!


You determine the outcome of your day!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My Day, My Way

You know, you'd think I'd be pretty good at this since I've already got about 3 or 4 blogs floating around but every one of them is different and the content doesn't always come easy. So, for this blog, I was instructed to choose a "niche" that I am passionate about. I thought I'd get some other opinions on this so I asked family members and friends when they thought of me, what do they see me passionate about. The total census was "family" and I thought, well, everyone might get tired of hearing the crazy details of my family life, so we went with the next choice which was helping people. Now, that's pretty broad too, and I felt I better narrow that down a bit. Which lead me to My Day, My Way, u-choose-u.

Now, even this can go alot of different directions but I thought we'd more make it a motivational type blog where people could come to just get that little inspiration for the day. Whether it be quotes or a funny story that has happened to someone, or even a favorite bible verse for the day, just anything that will in essence help you choose what kind of day you're going to have. Because, let's face it. We are the ones who determine what kind of mood or reaction we have towards other people or circumstances. It's often our reactions that set the tone for the whole situation. We can either be rude and inconsiderate or we can treat people the way we'd like to be treated, regardless of the way they treat us.

So, I guess in a nutshell what I'm trying to say is if you can't say nothing nice, don't say nothing at all. AND, the next time you're thinking how a situation or person put you in a bad mood, stop and think. I'm the one who chooses me. I'm only in a bad mood because I'm allowing myself to be. I can change this at any time, and do it. Then look in the mirror and say, MY DAY, MY WAY. Don't ever let someone else dictate your feelings, don't give them that power over you. Only U CAN CHOOSE U!