Saturday, April 25, 2009

Do You Have A Passion?

My own passion is my family. I agree, I also eat, breathe, live & sleep thinking about them and it is at a cost of other things in my life.

My passion is for them to have a better life than me. To not struggle for things, to not worry from paycheck to paycheck when they are my age if the bills will get paid. To not depend on anyone else but themselves for their financial & emotional stability in life. Both of my girls are so beautiful & smart, either of them could do anything. And when I say things like this to them, I get, "Oh Mom, you just worry for nothing". One is 22, & just divorced, the other is 19 & just married. You tell me if I worry for nothing! I can't really say anything about marrying young because I did, but I knew I loved my husband & was willing to give up my plans for my future to have a different future that included him & my children in it.

My oldest daughter, I knew the day she walked down the aisle, it was a mistake. My youngest, I think is just exactly like me & she & her husband will have a long life together, but it won't be easy. Both are young, uneducated, & just have very low paying jobs. And I know part of being married to someone is building a life together, even if it is from the bottom of the barrel. So, who am I to tell her she's wrong, if this is what makes her happy. And she is so very happy. Maybe that makes your marriage stronger & builds your character to go through those struggling years together. One thing about it, you'll either make it & be together forever, or you won't make it & it won't take long to find out. So, I would have to say my youngest daugher is also passionate about family. Having one, creating one & loving them.

Now, my oldest daughter on the other hand, simply has no direction at all. I wonder when she turned so cold & bitter. I noticed a difference in her when her grandfather died several years ago & since then, I really don't think she's cared about much else. It's miserable to see such a beautiful person in so much pain & have so much anger. We've tried to get her to go get help with depression if that's the problem but she refuses. I really feel like she needs medication, but you can't force someone to seek out help if they don't feel they need it. So, I would love to know what she is passionate about. I keep telling myself to pray for her & she will find her way. I sure hope so!

Anyway, so, back to this passion subject. My passion is my family for sure. Their well being, happiness, & security. Part of that means assisting with financial stability by being successful myself. I am determined to make this online business work for that very reason. So, when I die, I think people will say just that about me. I was always dedicated to them first and I feel that's something to be extremely proud of. I want to be able to say, my biggest accomplishment in life was making a better life for my kids & grandkids in some small way.

1 comment:

  1. uchooseu,
    Thank you for your openness and honesty. I would love to chat sometime and learn more about you, your passion and your daughters. Feel free to contact me at

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Good Luck,
